Montag, 30. Juli 2012

Animagic 2012

Journey Cosplayer *__*
Animagic ended on sunday, and I had a really great con!
At Friday it was really hot. I wore Umi again, but noticed that the coins on my belt are sharp and cut through the thread during Japan Expo. So I lost a few Coins >.<. Still I didn't get good pictures =( Have to do a shoot soon! I got to a point where I really want some good pictures to start with.
In the evening a thunderstorm broke out, so we fled about half an hour earlier than we wanted to, but it didn't matter. We always meet in a chinese restaurant on friday <3

epic car-park shoot >.<
Saturday was very rainy in the beginning, and all my friends blamed it on me as I wore Amewarashi from xxxholic. Within half an hour I my umbrella was really wet, and my clothes were as well. Since the costume is kind of heavy to begin with, I changed after about 2h and a lovely car-park-shooting where I was the photographer (>______<) into normal clothes. It instantly stopped to rain ^^"
After that, the weather was a little cloudy, but in the evening the sun even showed itself. After leaving the con around eight o clock, and some pictures later (without costume it's so much easier to take some pictures!), we all went to my place to eat Okonomiyaki. Spending time with friends is wonderfull!
Very late E-Chan and I discussed our WCS skit - if we make it into preselection.

I've got really pretty friends^^
On Sunday the weather was PERFECT! It wasn't too cold, the wind was blowing gently and the sun showed up now and then. I was wearing an original creation, an earth-sprite (I looked like a hippie lol), because I originally had a group. I didn't find them though >.<. Was a great day nevertheless. Took some photos with my friends, chatted with others, got a cute "good-luck-in-london" card from the Belgians and watched DCM preselection (German Cosplay Championship). DCM wasn't THAT good. First of all, there's the recurring fact that DCM judges the construction and accuracy heavily. This leads to rather simple costumes, which is sad (on the other hand it's the only competition I know that has very transparent rules). And then the skits mostly were pretty boring. There was really funny Dragon Ball skit though, and I'm glad they qualified for the finals!
In the afternoon, my friends from far away made their way home, that's always so sad =( I wish we could live closer together =(

To sum it up: Animagic was wonderful!

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

Eurocosplay Progress - Bustle

Now, I try to keep everone updated with my EC process. It's nice to see that the other contestants are fairly open with their costume choices as well. In Germany it's always a biiiiig secret.

So here's my progress (you can guess what it will be, but it will be obvious in a few posts ;D)

This is my base pattern (+ a backpart of a skirt). It has three darts in a total (the one in the back isnt' good to see).

After cutting and sewing the fabric, I applied bias tape for the boining. The lowest bone goes with the hem.

There is also a little piece of bias tape in each corner of the left side....

.. as well as in the upper middle. Later on a bone will be put in them in a diagonal direction to the others, so that it becomes more stable.

Here's the backpart of the skirt. As it is smaller than the rest, it'll keep the boning rounded and leans against my back.

Time to put the boning in and sew the backpart to the actual bustle part...

Since the bustle part is still a little too wide, I ruffled it, and then put the waistband over it.

Finished bustle^^